
Cajun Seasoning (Sweet)


بهارات الكاجون الحلو

At The Spice & Tea Market, the spices are ground only when ordered.

Cajun seasoning is a robust and spicy blend of herbs and spices inspired by the culinary traditions of Louisiana’s Cajun cuisine. The blend is known for its bold, zesty, and flavorful profile, making it a versatile choice for various dishes, from seafood to meats and vegetables.

يتم طحن التوابل فقط عند الطلب

توابل الكاجون عبارة عن مزيج قوي وحار من الأعشاب والتوابل مستوحاة من تقاليد الطهي في مطبخ الكاجون في لويزيانا. يشتهر هذا المزيج بطعمه الجريئ والحيوي واللذيذ، مما يجعله خيارًا متعدد الاستخدامات لمختلف الأطباق، من المأكولات البحرية إلى اللحوم والخضروات

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Cajun seasoning originates from the Cajun culture of Louisiana, a blend of French, African, Spanish, and Native American culinary influences. The seasoning reflects the vibrant and flavorful nature of Cajun cuisine, which is known for its emphasis on bold spices and hearty dishes. Over time, Cajun seasoning has gained popularity beyond Louisiana and is now widely used in various global cuisines.

تنبع توابل الكاجون من ثقافة الكاجون في لويزيانا، وهي مزيج من تأثيرات الطهي الفرنسية والأفريقية والإسبانية والأمريكية الأصلية. يعكس التوابل الطبيعة النابضة بالحياة والمذاق اللذيذ لمطبخ الكاجون، المعروف بتركيزه على التوابل الجريئة والأطباق الشهية. مع مرور الوقت، اكتسبت توابل الكاجون شعبية خارج ولاية لويزيانا وتستخدم الآن على نطاق واسع في مختلف المأكولات العالمية


100 grams, 200 grams, 50 grams


Sweet paprika, garlic powder, white pepper, oregano, thyme, onion powder, salt, black pepper.

بابريكا حلوة، مسحوق الثوم، بهار أبيض، أوريجانو، زعتر، مسحوق البصل، ملح، فلفل أسود

How to use

To use Cajun seasoning, generously coat the desired food items with the spice mix before cooking. It's commonly used as a dry rub for meats, especially on chicken, fish, or shrimp. Additionally, Cajun seasoning can be added to soups, stews, or sauces to infuse a spicy and aromatic kick. Adjust the quantity based on personal spice preferences, as Cajun seasoning is renowned for its heat.

قم بتغطية المواد الغذائية المرغوبة بسخاء بمزيج التوابل قبل الطهي. يُستخدم عادة كفرك جاف للحوم، خاصة الدجاج أو السمك أو الروبيان. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن إضافة توابل الكاجون إلى الحساء أو اليخنة أو الصلصات لإضفاء نكهة حارة وعطرية. اضبط الكمية بناءً على تفضيلاتك الشخصية، حيث أن توابل الكاجون مشهورة بحرارتها

Frequently Asked Question 1

Why does The Spice & Tea Market display products in small quantities?

Spice fragrance is due to the very volatile oils in the relevant leaf, seed, stem, root or bark. Spices lose their potency over time and due to exposure to air and light. Displaying spices in small quantities in airtight glass jars ensures that the spices are used and replenished frequently, no flavour contamination from the container and thus ensuring maximum freshness.

Frequently Asked Question 2

Why do I have to wait for my order to be prepared?

Ground spices lose their volatile oils thus aroma and taste at a very fast rate. To preserve freshness, we try to ground spices to order in as small quantities as we can.

Frequently Asked Question 3

Why does The Spice & Tea Market avoid offering ready spice mixes?

Ready spice mixes can sit on shelves for extended periods, which can cause the flavours and aromas to deteriorate and get overwhelmed by the stronger kind of spice in the blend. By offering individual spices, you can create your own blends to suit your personal taste preferences and dietary restrictions.

Frequently Asked Question 4

From where does The Spice & Tea Market source their products?

We source our products from small-scale farmers who use traditional and environmentally friendly farming practices. Our commitment to fair trade also helps preserve cultural traditions and protect the environment. Come taste the difference that fair trade and responsible sourcing make.


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